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专为攀登设计的背包 aarn-GUIDING LIGHT

轻量的专门为攀登设计的背包。导航灯是根据新西兰阿尔卑斯高山向导Milo Gilmour的建议设计的。 它拥有我们的流线运动系统以增加灵活性,延伸你之所及,帮助你将攀登技巧发挥极至。新型的开启系统使得存取绳锁轻而易举。“绳锁门”在你头后使你可以插入或着拿出绳锁完全按你所需。平衡架是选配,它将攀登装备的重量分散到臀部,而不是你的肩部。
Lightweight and optimized for climbing, skiing and hiking, Guiding Light was developed with NZ alpine guides. It uses our Flow Motion systems to improve agility, extend your reach, and maximize your climbing and skiing performance, and a new opening system to optimize rope handling. The zip opening behind the head allows you to feed in or play out rope as required. Balance Gear Racks are optional, and put the weight of climbing hardware on your hips, not your shoulders. Add Balance pockets for a less fatiguing and less stressful approach, or for suberb balance and gear access when skiing and hiking.
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